Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Crazikus #22

Batter up Kiddo!
Spring Training is in the air...
And dirty beer farts.

Stop. Smell the roses.
Pay no attention to the...
decomposing corpse.

I'm rubbing raw meat
All over my new sweat pants
Running from the wolves

Monday, February 9, 2009

Crazikus #21

A still beating heart
Rests upon a kitchen floor

Flying through the air
The flock of birds set their aim
Clean cars. Raining poo.

Constantly itching
Sleeping in the attic now
On insulation

Friday, February 6, 2009

Crazikus #20

Used Torso for sale!
At the Dahmer Residence!
Act's Half Off!

If Birds are lovers,
Then Bees must be the fighters.
Terrible Sex-Ed.

Shaving for hours
I hit bone, and my blade dulls
I'm the Gillette Man!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Crazikus #19

Twenty-Four and Lost
Two shows that capture my brain
And feed it to me

Horatio says:
I love my Good N' Plenty
And my sunglasses

Standing Silently
Head tilted...eyes gazed downward
H says something lame

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Crazikus #18

Yes, I am slacking
in creating these haikus
What's it to ya, bud?

Dancing in the dark
I stub my toe. While screaming...
I notice a corpse

Don't poke the body
It's filled with gasses and pus
Call Horatio